Wednesday 20 February 2008


Anyone have any links to stream anime? Have only been able to screencaps the stuff I have on computer. Anyways. Insomnia proves fruitful for ya

CardCaptor Sakura:

^ seriously though, that skirt rocks

^ so sez who?
^ ya... not such a good look for him

Fruits Basket:

Whut time is it then?
No no... I think maybe it's

^ who needs teh yaoi when there are females eh?

^ This what happens when you DO be romantic?


^ Uh... maybe?

^Jeez I wonders

^ He just doesn't try hard enough right


^The spirits are DEADly serious

Tsubasa Chronicle:


^And a one and a two....

^Not allowed to molest? I want my lawyer

^Well... real men suck other stuffs too:
^ I'z a little scared

Well... I dunno about that but:
^ I blame the blond =D

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